Dear Gardening Friends,
Here we are at such a lovely time of year – end of January, early February – cold, grey, dreary, probably too wet, ugh!
In a past life, we might have opened the greenhouse and made Hellebores available. It’s too early for blooms in the garden (unless you’re lucky enough to have some healthy witchhazels, et al) and the only thing being propagated now are succulents – which we will have available as give-aways later this year.
Having said all that, we are trying a different way of perking things up for our gardening friends at this dismal, but slowly improving (every day brings about 4 more minutes of daylight) time of year. After many years of experimentation and trials, we have finally found a reasonably sensible way to post photographs! Go to, and click on ‘Garden Tour’ (in the menu bar at the top of the page).
Not only that, I have actually written an update for the ‘blog’ (my, my……what an ugly word) as well. At the top left of the first page, click on ‘Posts’ or scroll down to ‘Latest writings’.
All of which is to say: check out the website – there’s really some new material there, for thought and looking. And please let me know what you think. Part of being a ‘public’ garden is being able to provide valuable and/or entertaining information to folks. It’s important that we know if we are, at least partially, succeeding.
We promised years ago that we would only send emails if we had something new to tell you. If you want off the list, just let me know and it will be done.