Botanical reference aside, I’ve decided to make every attempt to do at the very least a weekly posting. I make no promises as to quality of content. Posted subject matters will be whatever has come to mind in the previous hours or weeks and on topics I hope will be of interest/help to any budding … Read more
Whee and hot dog! Leaves, leaves, leaves! What others discard with distain, we embrace with enthusiasm! Given the fact that this autumn’s weather has been considerably milder than the last couple of years’, leaves have lingered longer and we have had to wait for the first installments of next year’s topsoil to arrive, neatly packaged … Read more
Nothing unlucky about today, Friday the 13th. The Garden still glories in fall colors. This has not been a spectacular year for fall color; only a few of the sugar and red maples seem to be enthusiastic. But it has lasted for what seems a rather extraordinarily long stretch and has made up for the … Read more
In the garden with interesting plants The over-all design of the garden is generally informal although there are some more formal features such as the rose and herb garden with outline in brick and center walk of gravel with center pool and fountain, or the ‘great Allee’, even though it is in the middle of … Read more